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How About an American Do-over?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines do-over

: a new attempt or opportunity to do something after a previous attempt has been unsuccessful or unsatisfactory.

In golf, should a player make the failed attempt at a proper stroke of hitting the ball, the player can ask for a “mulligan”, a second try after his or her first try has gone awry. In America today, we have a lot of “change” that is producing unsatisfactory results. There is no need, in my opinion, in me detailing every failed attempt to change our attitude about recognizing; one’s gender, race, legal rights or political perspective. However, in general, in my opinion, America has a right to ask for a mulligan, a do-over.

What we are doing politically, ethically, and morally in our country is not satisfactory! I think we can agree, our future is in jeopardy unless we do something about the direction, we, as a country, as a people, accept change. Do we understand right and wrong? I do not think so. We have forgotten our God. We have denied He laid down the rules for our healthy, happy life in the very beginning. We have lost sight of the goal line. So, I am asking, “Can we get a mulligan here?” I hope so, I love America!

Today, I pray:

God, we ask, can we have a do-over? We know we have sinned against you, but we want another chance. Please help us heal our land; show us our best shot at getting it all right, and according to your plan. I trust You God. You are my real commander-in-chief. Amen.

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